Falcon is a warm and welcoming school community of approximately 520 students where all of our students are well known by staff and by each other. We have a long standing reputation as a family friendly environment. Our school community is highly supportive and actively involved in the life of our school.
Falcon Primary School is a Positive Behaviour School and all staff work with students to support the development of the school values and expectations related to Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Safety.
We are constantly looking at ways of improving what we do. Our Business Plan articulates our improvement agenda via our priority areas and targets. We have a whole school approach to the teaching of synthetic phonics via the Letters and Sounds program, as well as a whole school approach to writing via Talk for Writing. Our teachers offer a differentiated curriculum to cater for the needs of all students and students with disability are supported with educational assistants to ensure that each child receives the individual attention they need.
There is additional assistance in literacy via the Minilit and Macqlit programs which provides small group intervention for those students who need additional support.
We have a very long standing school staff who are very committed to our school and community. All school staff members are also committed to ongoing improvement via professional development to ensure that their pedagogy is impactful and that our programs are evidence based. We offer a wide range of specialist programs incorporating Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education, Science and Japanese. This provides a wide and comprehensive educational program that supplements the core literacy and numeracy programs in the classrooms. Additional programs such as Special Instrumental Music, Interschool Sport and extra curricular school choir and drama programs all add to the value of each child’s education.
Our school programs are supported by a School Chaplain who runs a weekly Breakfast Club and pastoral care program. We offer a Runner’s Club (Smelly Shoe Club) providing recreational activities twice per week before school. We have a School Psychologist and Student Support Coordinator who support students at educational risk in the development of documented plans for pastoral, social-emotional, behavioural and academic concerns. Our School Psychologist is a qualified counsellor and is a valuable resource to parents as they can provide guidance and links to outside agencies for students requiring more specialised support.
We are located within walking distance of Avalon beach and have access to large school and community ovals and expansive playgrounds that offer space for both passive and active recreational activities. We have ensured that each classroom has the latest in interactive whiteboards and screens, that all children have ready access to computers, iPads, and laptops.
We have a very supportive and energetic P&C who actively fundraise each year to contribute financially back to our school in order to improve outcomes and opportunities for our students. Our School Board includes representatives from our parent body and wider community and assist our staff in setting strategic direction and school policy.
To cater for those parents who need Outside School Hours Care, we have engaged the services of Their Care, an accredited provider that operates on the school site. The before school program commences each day at 6am and the after school program until 6 pm. Vacation care is also provided during the school holidays and for pupil free days. This service is available on a permanent basis, part time, or casual for the days that you require it.
The completion of the Early Childhood build in 2010 has ensured state of the art facilities which incorporates flexible learning spaces and purpose built furniture to complement the education program. We have a purpose built Science room, well resourced art room and library as well as a large undercover area for break times, physical education and whole school assemblies. The school facilities and grounds are well maintained ensuring a safe environment for all students.